Get the Confidence you Deserve with the Best Rhinoplasty Near You

If you’re searching for “rhinoplasty near me,” you are certainly not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plastic surgeons in the United States perform nearly 220,000 rhinoplasties each year. A rhinoplasty, commonly called a nose job or cosmetic nose surgery, is an aesthetic procedure used to change the look of the nose. A good nose job can even repair certain breathing or function issues with the nose.

Dr. Francisco Canales and Dr. Heather Furnas are experienced plastic surgeons in Northern California who perform rhinoplasty surgery, taking a conservative approach to allow for the softest and most natural results. 

Although rhinoplasty consists of delicate changes, results tend to be quite dramatic. Cosmetic nose surgery at Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa can make a nose appear smaller in size or change a nose that is too large or wide. The objective is to allow for a more aesthetically appealing nose that meets your cosmetic desires and functions well. 

Ideal candidates for cosmetic nose surgery

Adults and teenagers over 16 years of age are potential candidates for the best rhinoplasty in the Bay Area

If you find yourself frustrated with the appearance of your nose and have distinct issues you hope to improve, enhance, or correct, this procedure may be the correct course of action. It’s very important that you discuss your expectations, as your nose and facial profile will be altered. Furthermore, facial growth and maturity should also be complete. This will be addressed during your consultation, even more so for adolescents.

Learn more about how rhinoplasty works 

We perform nose surgeries in Northern California while the patient is under sedation, such as general anesthesia, most often as outpatient procedures. We offer different surgical methods depending on your concerns and problems. Dr. Canales and Dr. Furnas perform rhinoplasty using either an open or closed (endonasal) approach.

The objective during the procedure is to decrease or eliminate excess bone, cartilage, and tissue or to build and increase cartilage if necessary for reconstruction. The nasal features are repositioned, and the skin is draped over the newly structured framework. Stitches are positioned either on the inside portion of the nose or within the natural external fold.

Open vs closed rhinoplasty

Our skilled surgeons use open or closed rhinoplasty techniques. During consultations, we discuss all options available so patients understand exactly why one approach may work better for them over the other. 

In open rhinoplasty, we create an incision along the width of the columella and lift the skin. This gives us better visibility for more precision when we need easier access to the surgery site. Generally, we use open rhinoplasty for cosmetic nose surgeries which require more significant reshaping or when we perform revision rhinoplasty. 

Closed rhinoplasty is less invasive, meaning reduced healing times and less post-procedure swelling. Incisions are made within the nostril, eliminating the risk of visible scarring. Closed rhinoplasty is the ideal choice for those who are seeking minor reshaping of the nasal tip.

Don’t compromise; choose the most skillful ethnic rhinoplasty in Santa Rosa

Ethnic rhinoplasty is about improving the nose while still keeping your cultural identity. This is often a concern if you are Black, Asian, or Middle Eastern. Everyone is entitled to feel comfortable with their appearance, and no one should have to compromise who they are to achieve that ideal. 

The expert plastic surgeons performing rhinoplasty near you at Plastic Surgery Associates have spent years perfecting the craft of ethnic rhinoplasty. Not only are they knowledgeable about the unique ethnic features common to a variety of noses, they know to take special care when making incisions. Darker skin tones can be more prone to scarring, so we take the utmost care with incision and post-operative care placement.

In your consultation with Dr. Canales or Dr. Furnas, you can talk about what you want to keep and what you want to change. This will enable them to personalize your treatment plan to give you your best results.

What to expect after a rhinoplasty near you

Upon completion of your cosmetic nose surgery in Northern California, patients rest comfortably in the recovery area and then return home to complete their recovery.

After the Treatment

The nose and the surrounding area will be swollen, bruised, and sore for the first few days. In almost all patients, there is some discoloration beneath the eyes in addition to the nose. Consistently using cold compresses and anti-inflammatory medications can assist with these effects.


Your post-op check-up with Dr. Canales or Dr. Furnas will be scheduled within the first several days after surgery to assess your healing progress. It takes around 2–4 weeks to look normal following nose surgery. Within this timeframe, strenuous exertion should be avoided. While bruising will go down within these weeks, it will be months before nasal swelling entirely subsides. We make sure every patient understands exactly what to expect of their recovery. 

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

How much a nose job costs is usually one of the first questions people ask, and the answer varies based on what technique is used and how complex your procedure is. Before estimating costs, we listen to your concerns and goals to help develop your custom treatment plan. 

When this is done, we discuss costs for the facility, anesthesia, and more. For ideal results, it is important to select an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Canales or Dr. Furnas, instead of the lowest cost. The decision to undergo any type of plastic surgery is highly personal and should never center on something like cost. Ensure you get the results you’ve been dreaming about. 

To help make your surgery easier to afford, Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa accepts several payment methods, and our office can help you find low-interest financing.

Frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty

Because of the popularity of the procedure, there are a lot of questions about rhinoplasties that go beyond simply how much it costs. Here are some of the questions our expert plastic surgeons get most regularly, along with their answers!

Are there nonsurgical options to change my nose?

Any good plastic surgeon will do what they can to ensure a patient is entirely comfortable with their decision before undergoing a procedure. Sometimes nonsurgical options are available to address your concerns if you are open to temporary solutions or those which may take several treatments to reach your goals.

If you want to smooth lumps and bumps on your nose, a wrinkle filler (like Restylane or Juvéderm) might be an option. A filler can temporarily improve minor imperfections, which might help you decide whether a permanent option such as rhinoplasty is something you want to pursue. 

Opting for nose surgery is better for larger changes, long-lasting results, and to adjust the internal structure for better function. At your consultation, Dr. Canales or Dr. Furnas can tell you more about nonsurgical nose reshaping.

What is ethnic rhinoplasty?

Ethnic rhinoplasty is about improving the nose while still keeping your cultural identity. This is often a concern if you are Black, Asian, or Middle Eastern. We take special care with the shaping of the nose as well as placement of incisions during ethnic rhinoplasty. 

Can I combine nose surgery with other facial surgeries?

Some patients think about combining rhinoplasty with another procedure, like cheek or chin augmentation (mentoplasty or genioplasty). Rhinoplasty is a dramatic procedure and can help your whole face appear more balanced. Because of this, we typically recommend you wait to see your results before getting another procedure. 

However, having multiple surgeries for a dramatic result can be reviewed during your consultation with Dr. Canales or Dr. Furnas. Once they understand your goals, they can help you choose which procedures will be in your custom plan. 

What’s the difference between mentoplasty and genioplasty?

Chin augmentation surgery, also called mentoplasty, is a procedure that builds fullness to your chin. On the other hand, genioplasty is a procedure to rebuild the chin bone. Based on the state of your chin, plus your cosmetic goals, you might require both surgeries or one. In addition to being a cosmetic procedure, a genioplasty may improve medical concerns, like your dental bite. If you are interested in having chin augmentation in addition to a rhinoplasty, our expert surgeons will help to determine the best treatment plan to meet your goals. 

Schedule a rhinoplasty in Santa Rosa today!

Confidence looks great on you! With a rhinoplasty from the experts at Plastic Surgery Associates, you’ll see your dreams come true in the mirror.  

We are here to help fulfill your needs for plastic surgery. Give us a call at (707) 537.2111 or get started with a virtual consultation. 

Don’t forget, you can always shop online for skincare products from our Allegro MedSpa! We carry Obagi, Alastin, SkinBetter, SkinMedica and more trusted, medical-grade skincare brands. 

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