Lip Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County, CA

Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa offers a long-term solution for those of us dreaming of fuller, plumper lips.

Before and After Photos

Three months after a lip lift, with great improvement in the shape of the upper lip as well as the amount of the red lip that shows.

About Lip Lifts

Shapely, well-defined lips are a feature many women want, yet few of us have.

Our lip lift in Northern California is a surgical procedure that creates elegant and subtle results, reshaping the Cupid’s Bow, defining lip borders, and filling out thin lips. Patients in Sonoma County, Marin County and beyond are excited to have lip lifts, which are a lasting alternative to filler injections.

Why Choose a Lip Lift

Learn Why A Lip Lift In North California Could Be Right For You.

Fillers are a common choice for many of the women struggling with flat, thin, or fading lips. However, certain patients are not candidates for filler injections, and some look for a permanent solution to thin lips.

A surgical lip lift can significantly improve the appearance of the lips and mouth, offering results that will last for years to come. Younger patients often choose a lip lift to achieve volume and improve the aesthetic appeal of their mouth. On the other hand, as the lips can lose volume and elongate with age, older patients are often looking to restore facial balance by plumping and raising the top lip in accordance with the teeth. This technique can better define the lip borders, giving a more youthful appearance to the lips. Dr. Heather FurnasDr. Francisco Canales and Dr. Eric Culbertson can use their innovative lip lift procedure to meticulously lift the lips, making precise changes that provide subtle yet stunning results.

Benefits of a lip lift in Northern California include:

  • Lift and define Cupid’s Bow (“M” along the top lip)
  • Increase in the appearance of lip volume
  • Lift corners of the mouth
  • Increase show of teeth
  • Add proportion, harmony, and balance to the lower face
  • Shorten the length between nose and mouth
  • Reduce the need for dermal fillers

How It Works

Surgical Technique

Here’s how our lip lift in Northern California works.

Dr. Furnas, Dr. Canales, and Dr. Culbertson perform their lip lift procedures in their operating suite using local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or a local anesthetic with IV sedation. Most lip lifts take less than an hour. However, the length of each procedure will depend on the extent of correction required, the technique utilized, and the individual patient. The ideal technique will depend on the amount of lip tissue present and the patient’s desired aesthetic results.

  • Sub-Nasal Lip Lift

The sub-nasal lip lift is the most commonly performed lip lift procedure. Also called a bull-horn lift, this technique improves the Cupid’s Bow by excising a small portion of skin directly under the nose (columella). As this tissue is removed, the lip is naturally lifted and a small section of the teeth can be slightly exposed. A sub-nasal lip lift will create a more noticeable limp vermillion and can dramatically increase the pink area of the lips.

  • Corner Lip Lift

A corner lip lift is performed by making a small, wedge-like incision along the upper corners of the mouth. This will give a slight lift to the corners of the mouth, improving facial aesthetics both when smiling and when not.

What to Expect

Here’s what to expect with your lip lift in Northern California.

After Your Treatment

You should expect your lip lift recovery to last from five to seven days. Initially, there will be bruising, swelling, and mild discomfort. Swelling can be controlled by keeping the head elevated, sleeping with several pillows or the top of the bed elevated, and with an intermittent cold compress. Sutures will be removed 5 to 7 days after surgery. Most patients are feeling and looking good enough to return to work in a few days.

Side Effects

The lip lift is considered a safe and effective technique. Although complications are rare, as this is a surgical procedure, there is always a small chance for complications to occur. Risks include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, nerve damage, and unexpected scarring.


While a lip lift will create a scar, this is generally very small and well-concealed within the borders of the mouth or nose. Choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon for your lip lift, like Dr. Furnas, Dr. Canales, or Dr.Culbertson, reduces the chance for any post-op complications.

What is a lip lift?

A lip lift is a surgical procedure performed to enhance the natural shape of the lips. The outpatient procedure utilizes a small incision placed along the top of the lip, at the base of the nose, or along the corners of the mouth. The dramatic results include fuller lips with more pink tissue, better show of teeth, a more defined Cupid’s Bow, and lifted corners of the mouth. Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas and Dr. Culbertson bring decades of experience to their lip lift, offering significant results and minimizing the need for repetitious dermal filler injections.

Could I make a good candidate for a lip lift?

The ideal candidate for a lip lift from Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa will be in overall good health, concerned with thinning, stretched, or poorly defined lips. Patients should clearly understand the procedure, the recovery requirements, and the potential of side-effects, as well as hold realistic expectations for their results. During your consultation appointment, Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas or Dr. Culbertson can determine if a lip lift is right for your needs.

How much will a lip lift cost?

The exact price of each lip lift will vary according to the desired level of correction and the technique used. During your consultation appointment, Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas or Dr. Culbertson will create a personalized treatment plan and determine the final cost of your procedure. On average, a lip lift will cost between $4,000 and $6,000. This price includes the surgeon’s fee, the board-certified anesthesiologist, operating room, surgical supplies, and all follow-up appointments. You will be responsible for prescription and over-the-counter medications.

What technique should I choose?

Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas or Dr. Culbertson can explain surgical techniques in your consultation so you know the benefits. They will then help you choose the technique that best meets your needs and goals. A few of the factors that might influence your choice are your hairline (factoring in both your current hairline, as well as your risk of developing a receding hairline), the amount of loose skin, and recovery time available.

Schedule an Appointment

Rejuvenate Your Appearance

Get more information about lip lift surgery with Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas or Dr. Culbertson at Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa in Santa Rosa, California.