In response to Denise Richards saying she wishes she hadn’t had breast enhancement at 19, the surgeons at Plastic Surgery Associates, who perform breast augmentation in Marin County, talk about the appropriate age for such a procedure.
Santa Rosa, California (December 2011) – Denise Richards’ blog is a great springboard for discussing how young is too young to have breast augmentation near Marin, say Dr. Francisco Canales and Dr. Heather Furnas, board-certified plastic surgeons at Plastic Surgery Associates in Santa Rosa. Richards recently said she wished she had been confident enough about her body at age 19 not to have had her breasts done. She stressed that she is working hard to encourage more confidence about body image in her daughters.
“Denise Richards certainly touches on some important points of reflection regarding her surgery,” Dr. Canales says. “I am grateful for her message relating to the importance of self-confidence and embracing your body. Although Ms. Richards may regret having had surgery at an early age, it’s important that patients understand that cosmetic surgery is a personal decision that can help people of all ages feel more comfortable with their bodies.”
Dr. Furnas, who performs a wide range of cosmetic procedures such as breast enhancement and liposuction for Marin area patients, says it’s difficult to specify an exact age when women become good candidates for breast augmentation. “Although this is an extremely popular procedure, it’s important that patients wait until they are physically and mentally ready for a surgical procedure,” Dr. Furnas says. “This is an important consideration for us during breast augmentation consultations, and we work toward ensuring that young patients won’t regret their procedures in the future.”
Plastic Surgery Associates offers personalized and natural looking results in Santa Rosa for facial rejuvenation and body contouring. Dr. Canales and Dr. Furnas both say they look forward to discussing the issues brought to light by Richards’ blog with their patients. “An important aspect of her blog comes at the end where she says she believes people should do what makes them feel good about their lives,” Dr. Canales says. “Our patients often experience a transformation in self-confidence following their procedures. We look forward to assisting men and women as they pursue their cosmetic goals and work toward creating physical appearances that match their happy and healthy lifestyles.”
Request a free consultation online at Plastic Surgery Associates or call to learn more about breast enhancement.