March 2021 Newsletter

New Cellulite Treatment at Allegro!​

​We are excited to be one of the very few practices in Northern California chosen to debut QwoTM, the first and only FDA-approved injectable for moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. It is thought that QwoTM works in 3 ways: releasing fibrous bands, redistributing fat cells, and stimulating the growth of new collagen.

How is Qwo Delivered?

QwoTM is injected into the fat (subcutaneously) of each single buttock by one of our expert injectors. You may receive up to 12 injections per treatment area. • Each treatment visit may include up to 2 treatment areas. QwoTM injections will be given 21 days apart for a total of 3 treatment visits.

Each QwoTM treatment session takes only around 15 minutes!


My favorite procedure/treatment is… I love Laser Hair Removal. This is my favorite treatment and it has been life changing. I used to get horrible, painful ingrown hairs after shaving. I now longer have that problem and hardly ever have to shave.

The thing I like best about Sonoma County is… There are many things I love
about Sonoma County, including the breath-taking beaches, the rolling hills covered in grape vines, but what I love most is the strong community. Sonoma County has been through a lot over recent years, including the fires, power outages, and now the COVID pandemic. Through all of the horrific events that have taken place we have always pulled through and supported one another. We have supported each other through having amazing volunteers to work at the fair grounds for thefire evacuees, COVID vaccine clinics, homeless shelters, and many more amazing organizations. I am beyond blessed to live in an area where you feel supported. I can genuinely feel the love in times of need.

The most surprising thing most people don’t know about me is…

Although I work as a Medical Assistant, most people don’t know that I received my Bachelors degree in Business Management at Southern Oregon University. My degree has taught me many important skills that I now use in everyday life. This includes problem solving, learning how to collaborate with people, and thinking critically.

My all-time favorite movie is…

My favorite movie is Remember the Titans. The reason why I love this movie is because I am a major football fan, and it based on a true story. This story shows that sports can help to overcome even the biggest adversities.

In my spare time, I like to…

Hike, fish, or do anything outdoors. I enjoy being outside and being active. Mental health is important to me, and what I’ve learned most about myself during the COVID

pandemic is getting fresh air and adventure is the best stress reliever and has made me appreciate the great outdoors more than ever.
I love hiking foothill regional park because it’s beautiful and nice to feel away from town, yet still close to home. My favorite fishing spot is out at the beautiful Bodega Bay coast, and getting a bowl of fresh clam chowder on the way home.

My friends would describe me as….

My co-workers would describe as dedicated. In ever aspect of my life I give my 100% and fully commit to whatever I set my mind to. My co- workers know that I give my best care to the patients I care for.

The secret to a great life is….

Don’t sweat the little stuff. Never settle for anything less than you deserve and do what makes you happy.

Clear and Brilliant Just Got Better!

Looking for that radiant glow in your skin? One of our most popular treatments, the Clear and Brilliant Laser, now combines two wavelengths in one painless 15 minute session. The new Clear and Brilliant “Touch” is safe for all skin types.

  • Leaves your skin feeling smoother and younger-looking
  • Reduces in the appearance of pores
  • Improves Skin Tone and Texture
  • Fresh, radiant skin without downtime
  • Can help aged or sun-damaged hands

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