Why I Wanted a Labiaplasty
I’m a patient of Dr. Furnas’s. Because there isn’t that much information out there about what to expect after a labiaplasty, I kept a journal to be used in this blog. If you’re considering a labiaplasty, I hope you find this helpful. I decided to have a labiaplasty because I was tired of the tugging, the pain with intercourse, and the bleeding I’d get from chafing. People who don’t have elongated labia probably aren’t aware of how much it can affect one’s life! Even though it didn’t affect my self-esteem, I was self-conscious, and I felt less attractive. I’m happily married, and I have kids, but this was about feeling better both physically and emotionally, so I decided to take the plunge.
Prepping for Labiaplasty with Local Anesthesia
After I arrived at the surgery suite, I took a couple of pills to relax me, and the nurse put numbing cream on my labia. After the medication had taken effect, one of the nurses escorted me to the O.R.
What My Labiaplasty Surgery Was Like
The nurses and Dr. Furnas were very sweet and very professional throughout the procedure. The nurses made sure I was comfortable, and then Dr. Furnas injected numbing medication. The injection felt like a tiny pinch, which wasn’t bad. That was all I felt. The nurses talked to me, making sure I was okay, and I felt completely comfortable being awake. Before I knew it, I was done! After the nurses helped me get dressed, my husband picked me up and we headed home.
Arriving Home Right after Surgery
I thought because I’d had babies, a labiaplasty would be a breeze. I didn’t even think I was going to need my pain medication. But about an hour after my procedure, the pain kicked in. Ouch! I told the kids I had a tummy ache. Then I took a Percocet, applied ice, lay down with my hips elevated, and took a nap. I only needed the Percocet for the first 12 hours, and then I was completely comfortable with just Tylenol and ice.
How to Go to the Bathroom!
I was nervous the first time I had to pee, but my instructions worked great. Using a squirt water bottle, I squirted myself with lukewarm water while I urinated. I noticed a small amount of bleeding, which I was told to expect. Over the next 24 hours, I had only small spots of blood on my panty-liner. I slept with my hips elevated the whole night.
Day 1 after Labiaplasty
VERY. SWOLLEN. Wow. I was able to take it easy and lay around all day. A nurse called to check on me today, which I really appreciated. Today I used ice, elevation, and compression, which made a huge difference in how I felt. I wore compression shorts (Spanx) over my underwear, and in between them I placed an ice pack and a small rolled up hand towel. For most of the day I lay on my back and put pillows under my hips for elevation. The compression from the rolled towel and shorts relieved the pressure I would normally have felt when standing or sitting. I iced A LOT and used antibiotic ointment around my incisions as instructed. When I walked, I looked like a cowboy.
Day 2
This morning my back hurt from lying around and elevating my hips. I had to get up, so I used my compression system with my shorts and towel, and I continued to ice—A LOT. I was able to walk around (like a cowboy) with long breaks to lie down and elevate. I am still very swollen. But even with the swelling, I can see my labia are smaller, and I’m really happy!!
Day 3
I went to work and sat for three hours. I iced and used my compression system with my shorts and towel. I hid my bulge with a maxi skirt, and no one knew my secret. Sitting up and trying to look normal wasn’t easy, but I could do it for a short period of time. When I got home, I iced and elevated. I’m still uncomfortable from the swelling, so I’m sleeping with my hips elevated most of the night.
Day 6
I’m significantly less swollen and more comfortable today! The past couple of days I was icing only a couple times a day, and today I stopped. I’m back at work full time. For comfort, I’m still wearing my compression shorts and towel, which I hide under that maxi skirt. I’m able to lie down flat at night.
Day 8
I’m wearing normal clothes! Yay! No more granny panties, and I wore pants today. But, oh, the itching! I still have some swelling, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m liking my results! I think the sutures are making me itch. It’s bearable, but annoying.
Day 10
I saw Dr. Furnas today for a follow up. Things are going very well, and she trimmed some sutures today for me which helped with some of the itching in that area. She was pleased with my results, and so am I!! I still have some occasional itching, which feels internal, probably from the sutures and healing. Antibiotic ointment helps a little. At least it’s not too bad. Otherwise today was great. I feel really good, and swelling is minor now.
Week 3
My results are awesome!! Dr. Furnas did a fabulous job! Besides some very occasional itching, I feel great. I still feel like I need to be careful with washing and wiping, though.
Week 5
I used tampons this week without a problem. The itching is finally gone.
Week 6
Sex happened. I was a little nervous. Not only did it go well, but no more labia pulling. Yay!!:)
Week 7 after Labiaplasty
I basically feel completely back to normal. I’m so happy I did the surgery! I look so much better, and I’m less self-conscious about my labia. Very happy customer! I highly recommend this surgery to women who are interested. I would recommend a full week of not having to do much so you can take care of yourself after surgery.